Chapter 7

Chapter 7

When do you need our help…

We have a a program that will allow you to finance an automobile before your bankruptcy is discharged or, we can help you after your bankruptcy is discharged or, we can help right after your meeting of creditors (lender prefers this).

  • You must have a full time job (no more than 2 different jobs in the past 2 years). Or, monthly income from a Retirement Plan, a Pension, or Social Security that meet the minimum income standards. Exceptions are done on a case by case basis.
  • You must have a gross income of $2,000 a month for single applicants or $2,500 a month for joint applicants.
For Budgeting Purposes!
  • We must know if you have any student loans.
  • We must know if you have any back taxes.
  • We must know if you have any 401K loans.
  • We must know if you have any garnighments for court ordered child support.
  • We must know if you are returing or keeping any automobiles.
  • If you live with family the lender will budget you for $900 per month.
  • If you are leasing, the lender will budget you the lease amount.
  • Exceptions are done on a case by case basis. Everyone is an individual.